Monday, August 25, 2008

Silent No More

I was reminded the other day of an organization called Silent No More.

A few years ago, I was privileged to be at a small rally at the Colorado state capitol building. The speakers outnumbered the listeners. After an introduction, woman after woman got up and told their story. For most, this was the first time they told their secret. The common theme was, "I regret my abortion."

Being there and hearing these women speak was one of the most moving experiences of my life.

There were women in their 50's who had kept their abortion secret since they were in their teens. It became clear that the secret haunted them almost every day. Finally they could talk and for some it was the beginning of healing.

I belong to the Samson Society. It's a group of men who are tired of secrets and of living in isolation. We are learning to tell the truth in a safe environment and to welcome the involvement of our brothers in our lives.

Both of these groups have something in common. Most of the time the church was not a safe place to tell the truth.

I cried as I heard these women tell their stories. I hurt for them, for so long their shame had no outlet. I'm so glad for the grace and forgiveness they can experience in Christ. I'm glad that they can be silent no more.


Saturday, August 23, 2008


This is a good post analyzing Obama's comment regarding protection for the unborn.


Whose Way?

Thoughts motivated by A Long Obedience in the Same Direction.

A person has to be thoroughly disgusted with the way things are to find the motivation to set out on the Christian way.
I would add, or keep on. We love our own way. I like to do things my way. Sometimes things have to get really messed up before there is the willingness to change direction. It might not always be stubbornness, sometimes it’s just apathy. It’s easy to travel in a rut.

I see many people who get in trouble or busted for something and show up at church or some other meeting. They are desperate, but not desperate enough. As soon as the crisis passes or the heat is turned down, they get back on the same path. “Things are okay, I’ll be alright.” Sometimes they are but many times not. Maybe they will come back at the next catastrophe or maybe they won’t be able to.

Lord, I pray that you would reveal my heart to me. Let me see how disgusting things really are. Help me to travel the long obedience in the same direction.
