Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
I have been using this encyclopedia on my handheld for a couple months. Originally published in 1915, there are articles by over 200 scholars and almost every word, person and place in the Bible is covered in over 9000 articles. On paper, it is 4561 pages. As an encyclopedia, the material has more depth than a dictionary. I have found it to be a very comprehensive resource.
Here is an example of where it stands out. I was doing a study on baptism and was surprised at all the related articles the ISBE had. Here is a list:
- Baptism (The Baptist Interpretation)
- Baptism (Non-Immersionist View)
- Baptism (Lutheran Doctrine)
- Baptismal Regeneration
- Baptism for the Dead
- Baptism of Fire
- Baptism of the Holy Spirit
- Baptism, Infant
That said, there was a mixing of creation and evolution that I found troubling. So it’s not a perfect resource but still very useful. As in all Bible study, a breadth of resources is good.
This is a great resource to carry around with you and I don't mean the four volume paper set. Thanks to Olive Tree, it's available for Palm, Smartphone, Pocket PC, Blackberry and iPhone.
For better and easier Bible study check out the links below.
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
Olive Tree has products for Palm, Pocket PC, Smartphone, Blackberry and iPhone. Over 150 of the resources are free.
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Tuesday, February 17, 2009
What do you do instead of obeying God?
Do you follow God in the "big" things but neglect His will in the "small" or vice versa?
That's something I have been thinking about. I have been part of a book discussion, going through the book, How People Grow.
Last week's chapter was called, How the big picture affects the small. It was about a pastor, his wife and their marital and life problems. They were a couple who wanted to follow God. They gave their lives in ministry and did all the things that are supposed to make us "good Christians"; still they had serious problems.
Here is a paragraph that really stood out to me:
For example, when God said, "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you" (Eph. 4:32), Rich and Stephanie did not say that God really didn't say that or that it wasn't really true. Instead they did two things. They ignored the reality that if they disobeyed it, their relationship would die. And when their relationship was dying, they did not seek God's rules and principles as the way to revive their marriage. They did not ask, "Where is our marriage suffering because we are not living in deep obedience to God's ways?"The specific way it spoke to me was in my avoidance of resolving conflict in my marriage. I now see that by not doing that, other consequences are popping up. I see the answer to the question, Where is our marriage suffering because we are not living in deep obedience to God's ways?
I thought that I could avoid the battle of trying to resolve conflict by ignoring it. The "peace" achieved seemed better than entering the arena.
But God wants something different. He wants to bring understanding, resolve and reconciliation. So I will let Him take me that way. When conflict comes, I will seek His way to work through it. I will admit my way hasn't worked.
What about you? What are you doing instead of obeying God? Is there an area in your life where you are suffering because you are not living in deep obedience to God's ways?
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Monday, February 9, 2009
12 year old apoligist for life
See the blog Un Healthy Futures for Women for a video of a 12 year old girl and her excellent defense of life.
In case you don't know, Healthy Futures for Women is an abortion clinic in Englewood, Colorado.
Operation Rescue Colorado has a daily picket there.
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The Handymen Blog
I have been working on some different ideas to promote my Handymen business. One idea is a blog where I will talk about some of the different things I do and what makes me different. I will also accept topic suggestions and try to answer questions.
Here the link.
Let me know what you think.
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