Torrey's New Topical Textbook
R.A. Torrey compiled the New Topical Textbook. It has 628 subjects and references about 20,000 scriptures. As I have used it, I’ve found that it isn’t a very exhaustive reference. There are a lot of subjects I wish it had. That aside, there are many subjects listed and it covers them very well. It wouldn’t be a resource for obscure research but handles most major topics.The great thing about having a resource like this on my PDA is that I can instantly look at the Scriptures that are referenced. If I were using the paper version, each reference would have to be turned to and that can take a lot of time.
Some other good material contained in this reference is a section on Methods of Bible Study and the Outline of the Fundamental Doctrines of the Bible.
In Methods of Bible Study he strongly encourages study and meditation rather than casual reading of Scripture. He goes on to give examples of ways to study, resources to use and even a suggested list of topics to study. We are reminded to study the Bible as the Word of God, to do so prayerfully and to store Scripture in our mind and heart through memorization.
The Outline of the Fundamental Doctrines of the Bible covers doctrines concerning God, man, sin and redemption. Each section has good explanations and many Scripture references.
I’m glad to have this book at my fingertips.
For better and easier Bible study check out the links below.
Torrey's New Topical Textbook
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