Goodbye Aunt Lena
Here is a tribute I wrote to her last year for her
90th birthday.
Dear Aunt Lena,
One of my fondest memories is
the stuffing you would make for the Thanksgiving turkey. It is something I
could crave. I think I would be willing to trade every other yummy thing that
is served on Thanksgiving if I could just have that stuffing. I remember being
at your house on Hooker Street as the dinner was prepared and served. There was
a lot of fun as all of the kids played together and sometimes we would watch
old home movies that I loved seeing.
I must mention Torta. I could
eat slab after slab of that stuff. What a treat it was when you would send a
stacked up plate of it home with me. Can I confess that not all of it arrived?
The ride home usually involved peeling back the foil and having some on the
way. You did your best to pass the recipe on to Wendy but we have never been
able to get it right. Is there a secret you are holding back?
I remember the summer that
you shared Marlene with our family. Uncle John would drop her off and she would
do her best to keep order in our house; no small task with a kid like me. My
mom was sick and gone for a time and Marlene was a gift to my Dad and to David,
Lucille and I.
I cannot express in words how
much the cards that you sent on my birthday with kind words and encouragement
have meant to me. Many times, they have been like water on parched land.
No amount of praise I could
send your way would be adequate to say how much I appreciate the blessing you
have been in my life.
Happy Birthday and thank you
so much.
Philip Faustin
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